AGRITEC – applied and basic research for agriculture, environment and food industry; plant breeding, multiplication and sale of seeds, chemicals for plant protection, substrates, feed; services in the field of biochemistry, chemical analysis, laboratory and field testing of preparations, auxiliary substances, varieties; consulting and advisory services.

1. Research
- Genetic resources of legumes, flax and hemp
- Genetic breeding methods for legumes, flax and rape
- Biotechnology of legumes, flax and rape
- Cultivation technologies for peas, broad beans, lupins, flax, hemp, caraway
- Integrated conservation of legumes and flax
2. Breeding and seed production
- New breeding of flax, peas, broad beans, rape
- Maintenance breeding of own and licensed varieties
- Representation of foreign companies for variety trials
- Production, treatment, storage and marketing of seeds of leguminous and industrial crops
3. Services
- Testing and chemical analysis of inorganic and organic substances, determination of mycotoxins
- Sorting of flax straw and determination of fibre content and quality
- Testing of plant protection products for registration
- Operation of an accredited 'Business and Innovation Park' with rental of office and operational premises
4. Retail and wholesale
- Sale of plant protection products
- Trade in seeds of field crops
- Growing and sale of ornamental plants, vegetable seedlings, growing substrates
- Sale of feed for domestic and farm animals
- Meristematic propagation of ornamental plants
5. Consultancy
- Application of research results in agricultural practice, purchasing, processing industry
- Lecturing and expert activities in the field of agriculture
- Technological and economic consultancy for growers, agricultural practice
- Field experimentation – yield trials, biological and phytopathological tests
- Testing of plant protection products and adjuvants in the GEP system
- GMOs – authorisation for (1) internal use and (2) release into the environment (peas, broad beans, flax)
- Chemical analyses of the content of plant commodities including heavy metal detection
- Flow-cytometry – determination of ploidy in plant material
- Expert and economic consultancy for farmers
- Participation in projects with Czech grant agencies (NAZV, MŠMT, TAČR, OPVK, GAČR)
- Long-term participation in international research projects (EUREKA, Copernicus, COST, CONTACT, Norwegian Funds, EUROSTARS, FP7)
What else we offer
- Education of students (university, high school) and specialists in the field of modern technologies of field and garden crop breeding, including practical application and EU legislation (lectures, excursions, short-term and long-term internships, expert guidance of bachelor, diploma and dissertation theses in the field).
- Infrastructure for lectures, field work (field experimentation according to the GEP system) and laboratory exercises in the field of plant biotechnology.
- Training of management and technical staff in the field of agriculture and landscape protection in terms of new technological and cultivation systems - EU legislation, sustainability, economics (seminars, training, internships).
- Integrated plant protection - training of plant protection workers, according to the principles of EU and Czech legislation for obtaining competence in handling plant protection products.
- Exploiting the potential of organic farming for the Olomouc Region (cooperation with Bioinstitut, o.p.s.; PRO-BIO Association, VÚCHS Rapotín, s.r.o.; Palacký University in Olomouc).
- Use of specialized agricultural library and specialized natural science and agricultural databases - (follow-up to the project Branch library of applied agricultural research), training of students and specialized staff, management in orientation to appropriate resources.
- Employment of university graduates in science and agriculture with input support from regional or EU sources.
- Organization of professional conferences and workshops at the international level – all infrastructure, comfortable facilities including accommodation and numerous experiences in organizing events of this type (possibility of renting premises including equipment rental).