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Ošetření trávníků biologickým přípravkem na bázi mykoparazitických hub Clonostachys rosea a Trichoderma asperellum na lokalitách Zubří, Rožnov pod Radhoštěm a Vikýřovice redukovalo počet druhů parazitické a saprofytické mykoflory trávníků o 28–48 % a snížilo intenzitu jejich sporulace o 42,9–76,6 % ve srovnání s neošetřenou kontrolou. Fungicidní ošetření přípravky na bázi azoxystrobinu samostatně nebo v kombinaci s biologickým přípravkem redukovala intenzitu sporulace patogenních a saprofytických hub o 63,3–87,8 % oproti kontrole. Kombinované ošetření trávníků s fungicidním přípravkem zabezpečuje účinnou ochranu trávníků proti chorobám, na které nejsou biologické přípravky účinné (Laetisaria, Erysiphe, Puccinia).

Changes in genetic diversity of peas bred in the Czech Republic and in former Czechoslovakia since the mid-20(th) century were analysed using 38 molecular marker loci, including retrotransposons and microsatellites, differentiating a total of 84 alleles. Both marker types were comparably effective in revealing the genetic diversity, with a high correlation (r = 0.81), although the pairwise genetic distances of each marker type differed. In total, 175 accessions, selected from the Czech pea gene bank collection and representing the pea cultivars collected or bred in the country, were divided into three groups according to their date of sampling or variety registration. The first group contained 70 old cultivars and landraces collected prior to 1961. The second group contained 46 cultivars released from 1961 to 1980. The third group contained 59 cultivars released between 1981 and 2004. In spite of the decline in several diversity measures, differences in allele frequencies and even allele loss in three microsatellite loci were recorded over the 70-year period, while these differences between the groups were not statistically significant. In addition, genetic heterogeneity was detected in 29 accessions (15%). This indicates that although no genetic erosion could be observed since then, it is important to monitor the genetic diversity, furthermore it highlights the vital role of germplasm collections for the crop diversity conservation.

Byl otestován soubor 13 kmenů Clonostachys a 6 kmenů Chaetomium na mykoparazitickou účinnost proti patogenním houbám Rhizoctonia solani, Alternaria alternata a Botrytis cinerea. Testované kmeny mykoparazitických hub byly získány ze Sbírky kultur hub katedry botaniky PřF UK (CCF) v Praze. Největší mykoparazitická účinnost byla zjištěna u kmenů Clonostachys rosea (CCF 4182) a Clonostachys catenulata (CCF 4184). U kmenů z rodu Chaetomium nebyla mykoparazitická účinnost zjištěna. Pouze kmen Chaetomium globosum (CCF 3429) byl vysoce antagonistický proti houbám Botrytis cinerea a Alternaria alternata.

Since 2008 the airraid of Leptosphaeria maculans/L. biglobosa ascospores is pursued within forecasting of the occurrence of the Phoma stem canker in the Czech Republic on five selected localities. Pathogen ascospores are captured by the spore traps in every period from sowing oilseed rape till mid-November. Ascospores airraid was compared with the course of weather conditions on individual sites. The Phoma stem canker incidence is strongly influenced by weather conditions and source of infection. Although is not in recent years strong incidence of disease in winter oilseed rape growths, the prognosis of the risk of infection is very important. Ascospores airraid was recorded at monitored sites in varying degrees, while depending on the weather factors and the influence of locality. In areas with an increased incidence of Phoma stem canker (Šumperk and Opava regions) mutual correlations were observed between selected weather factors and amount of released ascospores or disease incidence in the crop growth before harvest.

V příspěvku jsou popisovány výsledky testování citlivosti subpopulací Meligethes aeneus ze střední a jižní Moravy (ČR) na insekticidy (zejména esterické pyretroidy) v letech 2010 - 2012. Výskyt rezistentních populací byl zaznamenán. Antirezistentní strategie jsou silně doporučovány.

Ascochyta blight incited by Ascochyta fabae is a widespread disease severely damaging faba bean (Vicia faba) production. Insufficient resistance is available in faba bean cultivars. In an attempt to identify new sources of resistance a germplasm collection of 484 V. faba accessions was screened for resistance to A. fabae under field conditions; stability of resistance of the 19 most resistant accessions was tested in a multi-location experiment in Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany and Spain over two field seasons. Although complete resistance was not found, six accessions showed interesting levels of incomplete resistance. Genotype x environment (G x E) interaction accounted for 42% of the sum of squares of the multi-environment evaluation, revealing instability of the phenotypic expression across environments. Accessions L-831818, V-26 and V-958 stand out for their consistent resistance, being the most resistant and stable across environments. Accessions V-255, V-1020, V-1085 and V-1117 displayed good resistance, but lower stability, with V-1020, V-1085 and V-1117 being more suitable for Cordoba (Mediterranean mega-environment), and V-255 more suitable for Hohenlieth, Jogeva and Sumperk (Continental mega-environment). (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Metodika popisuje metodu signalizace výskytu fomové hniloby brukvovitých. Metoda byla založena na hodnocení skutečného náletu askospor patogenů Leptosphaeria maculans, L. biglobosa ve vzduchu. Askospory byly zachytávány lapačem spor (systém Burkard) na Melinex pásku. Mikroskopicky byl hodnocen denní let askospor. Na základě počtu askospor bylo možné stanovit riziko výskytu choroby a doporučit ošetření.

Kapitola 3.1 obsahuje informace o nárocích těchto plodin na přírodní podmínky, půdu, živiny, předplodiny, výsev a ošetřování porostů v průběhu vegetace; dále informace o přehlídkách porostů, sklizni a úpravě osiva, požadavcích na kvalitu osiva a o chorobách a škůdcích porostů i osiva. Text je doplněn přehlednými tabulkami, které shrnují zákonem požadované kvalitativní parametry osivářských porostů a osiv při uznávacím řízení.

The effects of two pyrethroid (lambda-cyhalothrin, alpha-cypermethrin) and two neonicotinoid (acetamiprid, thiacloprid) insecticides on B. pisorum L. eggs were compared under field conditions, in 2005 – 2007, in the Czech Republic. The main object of the study was to find out what real effects can be expected from the available insecticides registered in Europe when applied at the time of the first eggs appearing on lower pods. In general the levels of Bruchus pisorum egg (+ first instar larvae) survival were significantly lower with all the insecticides compared in the study, in each of the three years (2005, 2006, 2007). The tested insecticides showed some ovicidal effects and also some larvicidal effects. The tested pyrethroids (lambda-cyhalothrin, alpha-cypermethrin) showed somewhat higher effectiveness in comparison with the neonicotinoides (acetamiprid, thiacloprid). Alpha-cypermethrin was the most effective in all three years. In 2006 and in 2007 this insecticide significantly reduced levels of egg survival in comparison with acetamiprid. In contrast the acetamiprid was the least effective insecticide in each of the three years.

We have reviewed the current status of grain legumes germplasm collections worldwide with emphasis of its utilization for crop breeding. Sections involved also the use of introgression from wild crop relatives to widen the genetic diversity.

Kmín má dva významné škůdce. Tím nejnebezpečnějším je roztoč vlnovník (hálčivec) kmínový (Aceria carvi), protože proti němu neexistuje žádný zcela spolehlivý způsob ochrany. Druhým významným škůdcem je plochuška kmínová (Depressaria daucella). Tento motýl je znám spíše pod nesprávným názvem makadlovka. Na rozdíl od vlnovníka kmínového spolehlivý způsob ochrany proti housenkám tohoto motýla existuje. V článku jsou porovnávány různé způsoby ochrany proti oběma významným škůdcům.

Účelem publikace je poskytnout pěstitelům a zpracovatelům informace o biologické charakteristice, z ní plynoucích nárocích na pěstitelské podmínky a postupy pěstování lupiny bílé, žluté a úzkolisté jako významného zdroje dusíkatých látek ve výživě hospodářských zvířat, alternativního k sojovým extrahovaným šrotům. Pro úplnost je uváděna i lupina proměnlivá, možnosti jejího využití a způsob pěstování. Cílem metodiky je ukázat možnosti využití lupiny a srozumitelně charakterizovat rozhodující agrotechnická opatření ovlivňující kvalitu a množství dosažené produkce.

The tribe Fabeae (formerly Vicieae) contains some of humanity’s most important grain legume crops, namely Lathyrus (grass pea/sweet pea/chickling vetches; about 160 species); Lens (lentils; 4 species); Pisum (peas; 3 species); Vicia (vetches; about 140 species); and the monotypic genus Vavilovia. Reconstructing the phylogenetic relationships within this group is essential for understanding the origin and diversification of these crops. Our study, based onmolecular data, has positioned Pisum genetically between Vicia and Lathyrus and shows it to be closely allied to Vavilovia. A study of phylogeography, using a combination of plastid and nuclear markers, suggested that wild pea spread from its centre of origin, the Middle East, eastwards to the Caucasus, Iran and Afghanistan, and westwards to the Mediterranean. To allow for direct data comparison, we utilized model-based Bayesian Analysis of Population structure (BAPS) software on 4429 Pisum accessions from three large world germplasm collec tions that include both wild and domesticated pea analyzed by retrotransposon-based markers.

V rámci řešení výzkumného záměru MSM 2678424601 byla vytvořena linie hrachu AGT 210.12. Linie má oranžovou barvu děloh - gen Orc. Linie AGT 210.12 vznikla z křížení Konto x 4876. selekce byly prováděny od F2 generace.

Len má tři významné škůdce. Vzcházející porost mohou značně poškodit dřepčík lnový (Longitarsus parvulus) a dřepčík pryšcový (Aphtona euphorbiae). Od fáze rychlého růstu až do odkvětu je nebezpečným škůdcem třásněnka lnová (Thrips linarius). V článku jsou porovnávány různé způsoby ochrany porostů proti výše vyjmenovaným škůdcům.

AGT 578/03 se vyznačuje nízkým obsahem antinutričních látek (kyanogenních glykosidů) v semeni ve srovnání s registrovanými odrůdami olejného lnu v ČR.

Intact plants and in vitro cultures of four pea (Pisum sativum) cultivars (Adept, Herold, Komet, Menhir) that vary in their degree of susceptibility/resistance to Fusarium solani were inoculated with this pathogen or treated with its culture filtrates to compare their reaction patterns at the phenotypic, histological and biochemical level. Changes in activity of three peroxidase forms, cytosolic, membrane- and ion-bound, and in peroxidase isozymes were studied in detail. In addition, the length and weight of roots of regenerating plantlets in explant cultures as well as symptom expression in intact plants were assessed. In planta, screening of the four pea cultivars revealed the highest degree of resistance in cv. Adept, and the highest level of susceptibility in cv. Menhir both to F. solani and its metabolites. Regarding in vitro cultures, the microfiltrated filtrates had stronger inhibitive effect than the autoclaved ones. In terms of peroxidase activity, the only significant difference among cultivars was found in its ionic form, for the most resistant cv. Adept versus the most sensitive cv. Menhir. Minor changes in activity of cytosolic peroxidase were noted in planta and in vitro, while the membrane- and ion-bound peroxidase significantly decreased in explants. The aim of our study was to compare reaction of pea plants and explants and to verify whether the application of fungal filtrates is able to mimic the F. solani pathogenesis. Several responses of explants to filtrates were found to be analogous to the plant reaction to pathogen infection both at morphological and physiological levels. These can be utilized in an early in vitro screening for plant tissue resistance to F. solani.

Occurrences of pea aphids and their natural enemies (syrphids, mummies caused by entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria sp. and by the parasitic wasp Aphidius ervi) were compared in monocultures and mixtures of field peas and spring cereals in three seasons (2008–2010). At the beginning of colonisation, the occurrence of aphids was not substantially influenced by intercropping with cereals. However, the numbers of pea aphids located on inflorescences started to decline earlier in mixtures compared with monoculture. More syrphids (eggs + larvae) were found in mixtures than in monoculture, and more syrphid eggs were found in young aphid colonies (10 to 20 individuals) in mixtures. Intercropping did not influence the occurrence of fungal mummies (Beauveria sp.), but mixtures tended to have more aphid colonies infested by A. ervi in 2008 and 2009.